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NEW RELEASE : "La Segunda"
The debut CD "Tambor y Canto" (Picante 2017) took us to Peru in its day.
In 2021, "La Segunda" takes us to Colombia. The staple music: Cuba, Brazil and Argentina are always along for the ride. And the caravel sets sail!
Escorted by the surdos and timbaos of Bahia on one hand, the batás and shekeres of Havana on the other, the piano leaves Barranquilla and its cumbia for the Quebrada de Humahuaca, where it will dance the carnavalito. The carnival just has to hold steady! Even if it gets cancelled worldwide, the drums are there, ready to be taken out on the street, as Sergio Sampaio sang in 1974. Because the artists in the Tambor y Canto Company also know how to express their views on current events and don’t hesitate when it comes to denouncing the corruption of the political-financial-religious system on this new album.
ALBUM RELEASE CONCERT : JUNE 9, 2022 - 8:30 pm at 360 PARIS
LP "La Segunda" 2022 is soon avalaible ! Buy here
LP "Tambor y Canto" 2016 isstill avalaible ! Buy here
Candelaria Quebradeña
Next concerts of La Cie Tambor y Canto :
June 9 in Paris
July 9 in Cotignac, France
July 29 in Fayence, France
July 30 in Bollene, France
Production : Assos'Picante //
The Tambor y Canto Company blends jazz with the numerous
kinds of traditional music from South America and the Caribbean.
Four master percussionists sing, dance, recite, strike their drums, eager to share with you the richness of ancestral songs and rhythms. The blending is done by means of the piano, the saxophone and the double bass competing each in their virtuosity in a back and forth from one country to another, that finally arrives at a new unclassifiable music somewhere between jazz and traditional music, one made up of rhythms of African origin, Amerindian melodies, texts from ancient Europe and contemporary creation.
Tambor Y Canto: concentrated energy, pleasure and creative boldness !
The Tambor Y Canto Company was founded in 2013 in Marseille during the 10th "Rencontres Tambor y Canto", festival of the same name. It blends jazz with the many kinds of traditional musics from South
America and the Caribbean, under the direction of pianist Simon Bolzinger.
It is composed by :
Julio Molina Perez , vocals and percussion from Cuba
Patinho Axé, vocals and percussion from Brazil
Rocco Sedano, dance and percussion from Argentina
Daniel Ochoa Licero, vocals and percussion from Colombia
Olivier Temime, saxophone
Willy Quiko, double bass, bass
Simon Bolzinger, piano, direction, composition